The year's first IAM social ride

The Ride Stuff - 3 Jan 21

The first 2021 IAM social ride

As some of you will know I am a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, a registered road safety and training charity here in New Zealand. In fact this started in the UK some years ago and has become a feature here in NZ in recent years. 

The aim is to join with a view to then preparing for and ultimately sitting your advanced motorcycle or car test. This has the benefit of getting you discounted insurance but more importantly it allows you to acquire skills which could well save your life out on the roads one day.

Not just that but you achieve a greater sense of satisfaction knowing that you are doing you pride and joy justice by riding it to a good standard.

Nowadays I try to get out on social rides with my local IAMers here on the Top of the South Island (TOTS) group and as such w get out and about and see some of the region's best spots.

The picture above shows the distance board just off State Highway 6 just outside Rai Valley, about 60Km from where we live. It signifies the start of the road/s towards some of the more far flung parts of the Marlborough Sounds such as French Pass and Tennyson Inlet, known to sailors in these parts very well - And not always for good reason as the tidal stream at French Pass isn't for the faint hearted.

As you may be able to make out from this photo there's a fair bit of information on this sign including distances to the various spots. This assumes a lot of importance as fuel stops are few and far between from here on in and acts as a reminder that you are entering a remote part of this region.

This shows Jim on his Triumph Trophy digging out the liner for his jacket as the weather had started to turn damp not long beforehand. Tim , on the Triumph Tiger 1050 at the back is braving it out by the looks of it!

I'm on my 2017 Ducati Scrambler Urban Enduro behind which there's a bit of a story - Though I'll save that for a later blog.

Once at Okiwi Bay (Pictured above from the entrance to the campsite shop where we stopped) we enjoyed a chat and drink before heading our way back once more. Sadly the wether turned on us once more and the ride back towards bigger conurbations was a bit on the damp side.

Alas we managed to get to Rai Valley (Pictured above) for a final stop before heading back home once more. The good news being that the roads became drier the further we went which made coming back to my lovely Wife and out 3 lovely Greyhounds (All retired racing dogs who are living out a life of pleasant retirement) all the better.

I'm thinking that this Summer is going to be a good one.



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